▼General stuff from the summer of '04▼
78 images - have patience
Voyage of discovery.
Female Spring Azure Butterfly [Celastrina Ladon]
At the exit of Thorndike Pond, Jaffrey, NH.
A rare, carnivorous Northern Pitcher Plant [Sarracenia purpurea]
Mount Monadnock sunset.
Luna Moth [Actius luna]
Antique mitt collection of Rob Hannings.
Red clover.
Iris on roadside.
White Admiral in flight.
Red-spotted Purple [Limenitis arthemis astyanix]
White Admiral [Limenitis arthemis arthemis]
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Papilio glaucus]
Willard Pond, NH - pristine.
Blue Flag [Iris versicolor] at water's edge.
Long Dash Butterfly on Cow Vetch.
Oxeye Daisy [Leucanthemum vulgare]
Wild Mint [Mentha arvensis]
At Jim's Park (Mt. Monadnock State Park).
Veronica and daisies.
A day in the life of a pioneer woman.
Old variety rose.
Old apple trunk.
Late-blooming peony.
16 acres of Rosebay Rhododendrons [Rhododendron Maximum] in bloom at
Rhododendron State Park.
Still in bud.
Delicate fragrance.
First Bee Balm petals.
Windsor-Cornish, longest covered bridge.
Red Milkweed Beetles [Tetraopes tetraopthalmus] doing their thang.
Purple Loosestrife [Lythrum virgatum]
No. 22
No. 20
Black Swallowwort [Cynanchum nigrum]
Casey Jones.
Train passing along Connecticut River. Looking west into Vermont.
Through old Catholic church window, Claremont, NH.
Field of Black-eyed Susans [Rudbeckia hirta]
Lots of variety.
From the same field.
The Finns have large families.
George Hagerty, President, FPC.
Every picture tells your story. Farmer's Market, Jaffrey, NH.
Farmer's Market, Jaffrey, NH.
Bobolink on patrol.
Viceroy [Limenitis archippus]
Going for ice cream.
Coll's Market, Jaffrey, NH.
Moving to their next meal.
Duncan and frog.
Alicia womans a table at MacDowell Colony.
Grand old doorway, Peterborough, NH
Palomino tail in action.
American Bumble Bee [Bombus pennsylvanicus] on Echinacea.
Pool Pond, Rindge, NH.
Pool Pond, Rindge, NH.
Pool Pond, Rindge, NH.
Pool Pond, Rindge, NH.
Pigeon River, Michigan
Yes, I've used one of these.
Abandoned Michigan farmhouse.
VanCampen Design
Jaffrey Center, New Hampshire
(603) 532-9571
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